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Saturday, December 25, 2010


                 Most of the people who become infected with P. malariae, ovale, or vivax do well and the fevers abate after about 96 hours. Yet, in endemic areas, reinfection is common. Malaria caused by P. falciparum orP. Knowlesi have outcomes ranging from fair to poor, even when treated. 

                 This is because it depends on how the parasites react to treatment. Untreated people often die from these infections. In general, patients who are infants, children under the age of 5 (especially in sub-Saharan countries), and those immunocompromised patients (for example, AIDS or cancer patients) have a more guarded prognosis.
                 Cerebral malaria carries a mortality of around 20% in adults and 15% in children. Residual deficits are unusual in adults (<3%). About 10% of the children (particularly those with recurrent hypoglycemia, severe anemia, repeated seizures and deep coma), who survive cerebral malaria may have persistent neurological deficits.

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